No, it's not a new Cockroaches post. Sorry.
But it just might be something better! Has this ever happened to you? You're perusing the King of Cockroaches hoping that worthless guy has finally put up another post to tell you what the heck has happened to Ch'Loi, Amis and Kurga and ... nothing.
So you scroll down to that picture of Chofa hugging Ch'Loi that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy...or makes you wish you were being hugged by someone all warm and fuzzy and you think to yourself, "self, how cool would it be to have a sweatshirt or a tank top or a v'neck with this picture on it?"

Well, now you can! No really! Chofa and Ch'Loi are on clothes and you can really, really buy them! No really! Go to my
brand, spanking new society6 page and take a look around! They're there with a couple of friends! Including a clock with Ch'Voga and the harvest-that-chose-not-to-harvest on it! Too cool! Surprise your friends with an hour long dissertation on why you have a clock that sorta looks like a yin-yang but has a jewish looking lion and a cyborg on it! Oh the laughs! i'm laughing now just thinking about it. So why wait? Go today! And if you don't see something you would like to see, drop me a comment and let me know what my next titanic struggle with photoshop and web based design should be!
Thanks from all the gang here at the King of Cockroaches!