“Good Lord! Look at them all!” Kurga exclaimed. The walls of the Last Caravanserai had
come into view, surrounded as it were, by a great throng of people, livestock
and sandboats. “What in the world
brings them all to such a remote place?”
“Trade routes,” Prudence
“Trade? With whom? They are days and leagues from the Grand Bazaar!”
“Typical Westerner. You think you are the only people on
the earth? The silk road may bend
South around the Sand sea and come back up in the East but there are many
living in the North who trade with the South and see no reason to sell their
wares at your dealers’ markets.
You merchants get fat on other’s labor. They have no need of the East's luxuries and can get a fairer price for their wares if they sell
direct to the consumer so they come here, through the rim of the Sea as far
away from the West as they dare.
The Legion’s know, why do you think the Legions guard this godforsaken
“What do they trade?”

“Those people,” Ch’Voga
pointed to a pathetic bunch coming into greater detail, “they’re all chained!”
“As I said, ‘livestock.’”
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