It left before the sun went down. The meat animal was sleeping or unconscious. The Need was not. It was a roaring which demanded to be
fed. Even now, with many strides
between them, the meat animal in the cave was searing the
Harvester-which-chose-not-to-harvest’s senses. There was a wadi, if it moved quickly, unhindered, it could
just make it. Pain came with every
step against the pull to go and feed.
When the Harvester-which-chose-not-to-harvest was still some
way off from the wadi and the moon was rising it became aware of the presence
of kin. Other harvesters rising
from the cooling sand where they had slept the heat of the day away and
continuing their own journeys to the wadi and water. It was a natural gathering spot. With the last predatory meat animal’s nest destroyed they
would be returning to the collective with the spoil in their crops bulging with
blood, bile, marrow and gore. Any
one of them could share with the Harvester-which-chose-not-to-harvest. A new plan sprung fully formed into its
mind and it adjusted its route to intercept the nearest kin traveling alone.
While the Harvester-which-chose-not-to-harvest was still a
long way off however, the kin it was pursuing altered its own course. No longer moving directly for the wadi,
it was edging toward other kin and away from the
It was running away!
The Harvester-which-chose-not-to-harvest nearly came to a
stop. What reason would the kin
have to avoid it? Unless…
It changed plans and course again, continued on to the
wadi. It was going for water
now. It was no threat. There would be plenty for all the kin. It would gather what it needed as
quickly as possible and leave. The
new, awakened part of its mind recognized this plan as “hope.” It noticed the way the kin to either
side were clustering together. It
sensed a clot of its kin already at the wadi waiting. The hope dwindled.

The first blow came from behind, the second from the side
and the third blended right into the fourth and the fifth and the sixth so it
knew not whence they came. It
crumpled below the water with the Kin-which-were-no-longer-kin’s cast ringing
in its head.
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