The Harvester was surprised to find it was now the host of
two warring Needs. Long it had
only ever served the one. Find
food for itself and for the kin.
Here, helpless and bound, was food. Meat for the drinking.
Its imperative clear. Take
food back to the others. Take food
for itself, for its own survival.
The wind was rising. It was
some time since it had drank the youngling and sipped from the meat
animal. Scanty meals at best. Water was good but water did not feed
the craving entirely. It must
But growing alongside the hunger and thirst were a new
hunger, a new thirst: a thirst for answers. A thirst for more sparks in its memory. More flames in its mind. Flames and sparks which only came from
the words this meat animal made.
In order for it to keep making the noises which sparked the words which
lit the ideas in the Harvester’s mind, the firestarter animal had to live. Which meant the Harvester must not
Unmet need meant pain.
And now there were two pains growing. Neither need was being satisfied.
The meat animal was getting answers to the meat animal’s
questions but the Harvester had no way of asking its own. The communication was entirely one
sided. The Harvester’s attempts to
cast had met no response. The meat
animal must not be able to cast as the kin did. Its attempts to communicate through dance had more impact
but were frequently misinterpreted.
It quaked in the frustration dance.
“Are you alright?” the meat animal bleated. The Harvester stopped, searched its
mind for sparks, a task increasingly difficult over the rising roar of the Need
to feed. Nothing. No spark of any kind. Anger dance! Frustration!
Confusion! The smell of the
meat animal, its living heat wafted over it, making the Need roar louder and
with more purpose. The tooth slid
from its sheathe almost on its own.
No! The
Harvester bounded as far from the meat animal as it could in the tiny
cave. It crawled high into a
crevice and wedged itself in the cool darkness. No. It must not
feed. It must keep the firestarter
animal alive. But if it did not
feed, the Harvester would die. So
it must feed. The meat animal must
die. But if the meat animal died,
the sparks would die. In seasons
of seasons the Harvester had never felt the warm flame of just a few words from
the firestarter animal. Even the
word ‘word’ had come back because of the firestarter animal!
So what! Words
brought a new unmet Need! Unmet
Need brought pain. In seasons of
seasons the Harvester had never been this confused, never doubted its purpose,
never not known its place or its mission.
It was a Harvester. It
gathered food for the kin. What
was a Harvester if it refused to harvest?
A soon to be dead Harvester is what it was.
It rose and went to the meat animal. The tooth extending. There was no fear response from the
animal. It was unaware. The meat had fallen asleep. No fear. Death came and the animal had no fear.

The tooth retracted.
The roaring Need dulled down to a hissing, quieted not by drinking from
the animal but by … something else.
The Harvester who chose not to harvest untied the firestarter
animal. The animal awoke.
“Aaaah! Oh Yah,
thank you, never have I been so glad to hurt so! It’s like water in my veins so cold it burns! Sweet relief! But friend…Why?”
The Harvester who chose not to harvest listened to the sounds. The animal wanted a reason for being
released. The Harvester who chose
not to harvest gave no answer. It
had no way to communicate the new spark, the remembered word which not only lit
fires but quenched them.
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